Tarot Cards List – The Magician
- Action
- Conscious Awareness
- Focus
- Power
Tarot Cards List
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Start taking action:
- Do what needs to be done
- Recognize your potential
- Turn abilities into reality
- Walk the talk
- Execute plans
- Achieve miraculous results
- Utilize your talents
Act consciously:
- Know what you’re doing and why
- Understand the driving motivations
- Grasp your purpose
- Assess known situations
- Have a singular purpose
- Commit fully
- Harness the power of your will
- Feel valued
- Set distractions aside
- Concentrate on one goal
Experience empowerment:
- Create powerful impacts
- Overflow with vitality
- Create miracles
- Become resilient
- Feel energized
- Be creative
Some Contrasting Tarot Cards:
- High Priestess – no action, intuition, delving into the subconscious
- Hanged Man – suspended action, doing nothing
- 7 of Cups – lack of focus and constraints
- 4 of Swords – quiet rest, conserving energy
- 8 of Swords – confusion and indecision, feeling powerless
Some Supportive Tarot Cards:
- Chariot – focusing on the center, concentration, strength
- 2 of Wands – personal power, harnessing a strong force
- 8 of Wands – swift action, making moves
- 8 of Pentacles – having focus and concentration
Elaborate Description
The Magician is the archetype of the masculine principle, proactive – the one who achieves ultimate goals. He symbolizes the power to tap into the forces of the universe and use them for creative purposes. Pay attention to his posture in the picture. He operates like a lightning rod – one hand reaching upward to the Divine to seek inspiration, the other pointing down to Earth to transmit this powerful energy. Sometimes his abilities seem miraculous because his willpower helps him achieve seemingly magical feats.
What makes The Magician so powerful? Firstly, he is unafraid to take action. He believes in himself and is willing to take bold risks with that belief. He also knows exactly what he intends to do and why. He does not hesitate because he understands his own situation precisely. The Magician can focus on a single determination. By simply remembering the sacred source of his power, The Magician is always the perfect conduit for miracles.
In tarot, The Magician implies that the primal forces of creativity are yours if you can harness your power and act with awareness and focus. This card is a sign to act and act now, giving you a clear understanding of what you want and a commitment that you will achieve it.
Upright Meaning of The Magician
Introduction: The Magician represents a heightened and improved way of using all the powers of an individual, including their spirit, emotions, and other abilities. It is another card often associated with new beginnings and ambitious plans. This is a strong and positive omen in the tarot. The card reminds us that we have the power to bring about change in our lives and in the larger world if we simply make the effort.
Overview: You may notice many synchronicities leading straight to profound spiritual events occurring despite the seemingly “insignificant” appearance of these occurrences. You should examine whether you have the knowledge, power, and inspiration necessary to overcome your challenges. Overall, this is a very positive time for you.
Career: There is an improvement in your work/career. This card indicates an excellent time to seek a new job or request and receive promotions in your current job if possible. Especially if your work is in the creative field, this is when your proposals and creations will be highly valued and may lead you to “bigger and better things.”
Love: If you are seeking a new romance, this is a time when you are likely to meet someone new and exciting. If you are in a long-term relationship, the relationship may deepen and progress to a new level of commitment and enjoyment. This is a highly suitable time to “get out there and meet new people.”
Finances: Money may be on the rise when this card appears, even if it seems unlikely in the present circumstances and timing. Something will come along that allows you to earn more money, whether it’s an idea, an opportunity to do extra work, or even a new position. Have faith in yourself and your ability to succeed.
Health: If you have been feeling unwell, it is likely to pass soon; this card signifies strength and/or a return of vitality. If you have been trying various things without improvement, you may make significant progress by exploring alternative therapies (nutritional counseling, massage, diet, etc.).
Spirituality: This is a highly suitable time for you to pursue some form of spiritual study that you have previously considered but haven’t had the opportunity to pursue. You will also benefit from discussion groups rooted in spirituality. A spiritual teacher may appear in your life. This person will be an excellent mentor who will help you see life from a different perspective.
Reversed meaning of The Magician:
Introduction: Even when reversed, The Magician can create a higher and better way of using someone’s power. However, the reversal may indicate that the person is hesitant to make necessary changes to use their power in a more spiritual and effective way. Consider what you are afraid of. Is it that others will not like the “new” you? You are correct, they might not. However, there is no reason not to become the person you truly want to be – and surely will become.
Overall: When The Magician appears in reverse, you may have overlooked synchronicities that were guiding you towards your desired path, the one you most need to take. Once again, when this card is reversed, you may unnecessarily doubt yourself, resulting in problems for yourself and those around you.
Work: When the reversed Magician appears in a career reading, it may indicate an obstacle to the necessary change you need in your work. The truth is that nothing lasts forever, and change and novelty are part of life. Don’t cling to the past.
Love: The reversed Magician can signify a lack of belief in your ability to find, attract, and maintain a new love if you are single. This attitude needs to be stopped immediately for you to succeed. In a committed relationship, this card when reversed may indicate hesitancy in expressing what you truly want and need. This is the time to be courageous and speak up.
Finance: When The Magician appears reversed, it can indicate a feeling of insecurity and being “stuck” when it comes to finances. The truth of the matter is that you can create change, and you can improve your life if you make an effort. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, there’s no doubt you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. Consider the changes and new risks you can try. You might find that they are more successful than you thought.
Health: The Magician, even when reversed, is still a sign of improved health. Take good care of yourself and seek medical advice if needed. Trust in your body’s ability to heal itself. You will quickly see that you are much better off.
Spirituality: When this card appears reversed, it indicates a need for new experiences and perspectives and even engaging in a new spiritual path that you have thought about and resonates with your spirit. Changing your spiritual approaches and beliefs over time is okay (in fact, it is desirable and healthy). Try new things. Talk to people who have different perspectives than you. Both will be beneficial.