Tarot Cards List – 14 – Temperance

Tarot Cards List – 14 – Temperance

  • Moderation
  • Balance
  • Health
  • Combination

Tarot Cards List
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Tarot Cards List – Temperance

In Action:


  • Finding a point of equilibrium
  • Demonstrating regulation
  • Avoiding exceeding limits
  • Easing difficult circumstances
  • Seeking meaning
  • Achieving compromise
  • Compensating for excess

Maintaining balance:

  • Experiencing harmony
  • Attaining equilibrium
  • Connecting different aspects
  • Seeing the whole picture
  • Reinforcing cooperation
  • Feeling centered and secure


  • Restoring energy and physical well-being
  • Healing
  • Feeling satisfied
  • Recovery
  • Developing health


  • Bringing necessary elements together
  • Connecting with others
  • Unity
  • Seeking suitable blending
  • Synthesis
  • Combining everything together

Some Contrasting Tarot Cards:

  • Tower – complete separation, detachment
  • 5 of Wands – discord, conflict, imbalance
  • 7 of Cups – transcending limits, excessive fantasies
  • 5 of Swords – disharmony, lack of balance
  • 5 of Pentacles – poor health

Some Supporting Tarot Cards

  • World – integration, synthesis, combination
  • 2 of Cups – connection, working together
  • 3 of Cups – collaboration, working together
  • 2 of Pentacles – balance, finding suitable blending
  • 3 of Pentacles – teamwork, collaboration

Detailed Description:

Tarot Cards List-There are truly serene individuals who may not speak much, but they carry out their work in a calm manner. Their presence is characterized by a sense of ease because they have a strong sense of moderation. This is the energy of Temperance.

Moderation is the expression of the ability to restrain and control oneself. In a world filled with captivating passions, it is necessary to find a balanced limit for oneself. Could it be considered somewhat mundane? The energy of Temperance seems to not create external excitement but rather embodies the tranquility within the storm. Everything around may be stirring, but at its core, it remains a point of balance.

In Tarot interpretation, the Temperance card can represent a need for harmony, especially when extreme cards (like the Knights) are present. This card may also indicate a desire for balance. In conflicting situations, Temperance signals the importance of compromise and cooperation. Seek opportunities to bring opposing sides closer together. In practical terms, harmony may imply adjustments by adding a new element. By combining and reconciling, we can create harmony or an ideal solution. Temperance is the card of overall well-being—physical, mental, and emotional. When weakness or illness is causing trouble, Temperance brings promises of vitality and a sense of satisfaction.

Upright Meaning of Temperance

Introduction: Temperance is a card about balance, in various forms, and in relation to different types of relationships. It encompasses friendships, family, romantic relationships, and colleagues—all the areas of concern in your life. It is also a card of special strengths (alchemy) or blending and combining. You may have to try various approaches to a situation before finding what suits you.

Overview: Overall, although all your relationships may be in a good state, you may need to look deeper into your personal issues and see if they are hindering you. And if they are, how can you address and integrate them. The current idea is to do what it takes to find balance within yourself, within your relationships, and with your goals and passions.

Career: Set big goals, but don’t expect too much from yourself or others that they cannot deliver. Work with patience and endurance, and you will receive what you deserve in the long run. Your achievements will not go unnoticed.

Love: Often, before you can truly have peace and fulfillment in your relationships, you need to find peace within yourself. Look at any guilt or mistakes you feel you have made in the past. Then forgive yourself and let them go.

Finance: There seems to be a good balance between what is going out and what is coming in. However, if you need to increase or consolidate your income, you will have to demand what you deserve. Be confident and proud, and you will not encounter failure.

Health: Balance and moderation are key. Are you eating well, getting enough sleep, engaging in play, work, and exercise in moderation? See if you are off balance and find ways to adjust. Moderation is the perfect solution for your health at this time.

Spirituality: This is an important time for reflection and listening to the guiding voice from within yourself, and if you need assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Consult your higher self and others for guidance.

Reversed Meaning of Temperance

Introduction: Similar to its upright meaning, the reversed Temperance card is about balance and various types of relationships. Friendship, family, love, and colleagues, all the specific needs and concerns you have when you see this card. In the reversed position, it encourages you to explore different areas of life more extensively. You can try different options for the situation before finding what suits you best.

Overview: When in the reversed position, almost all your relationships are relatively good. You may have received (and possibly rejected) constructive criticism that is truly beneficial to you. Consider deeper issues within yourself and see if they are causing any obstacles – and if so, how to overcome them and integrate with them. The current idea is to do things to find balance – within yourself, in your relationships, and with your goals and passions. If you need help with this, just ask!

Work: Especially when this Temperance card appears in reverse, it means that this is not the time to work independently. You need to consider working in a team and cooperate well with them, even if your work can be done alone. Regardless of how things appear on the surface, know that your efforts will not be overlooked.

Love: When the Temperance card is reversed, you need to reconsider how you – and your relationships – are balanced. This is a good time to evaluate what others bring to your life, or vice versa. You may feel like you are giving 300% in a relationship while your partner may not even give 100%, but realize that your partner may see things from a different perspective! If you are seeking love and reversed Temperance appears, you may be too rigid and distant with others. Be true to yourself first. A lover will not and cannot be “perfect” according to your expectations.

Finance: When the reversed Temperance appears, there is still good balance between what is going out and what is coming in. However, it is not simply sitting and expecting the world to unexpectedly reward you with what you deserve. Be courageous to demand what you need, and your finances will increase.

Health: Even in the reversed position, this card reminds us that balance and moderation are key to good health and overall well-being. We need to consider whether we are eating well, getting enough rest, engaging in recreational activities, working, and exercising regularly. If you are facing health challenges when this card appears, it likely indicates that something in the realm of health is significantly out of balance. This is a time to examine what that may be and make necessary changes.

Spirit: With the reversed Temperance, there is a sign that you can greatly benefit from seeking a spiritual partner to accompany you on your journey of spiritual development. This does not necessarily mean frequenting religious services, but it is a way to meet this need. Whether the benefits lie within yourself as an individual, through reading spiritually-oriented books, or other practices and forms, you need to continuously refresh your spiritual outlook in a positive direction. Don’t try to do it all alone. Take time for relaxation as well.

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