Tarot Cards List – 15 – The Devil

Tarot Cards List – 15 – The Devil Tarot

  • The Slavery
  • Materialism
  • Ignorance
  • Despair

Tarot Cards List
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Tarot Cards List – The Devil

In Action

Experiencing slavery:

  • Accepting an undesirable situation
  • Being haunted
  • Feeling bound and resisting will
  • Losing autonomy
  • Allowing oneself to be controlled
  • Addiction and dependence
  • Surrendering to others

Focusing on materiality:

  • Being superficial
  • Relying solely on material possessions
  • Forgetting about the spiritual aspect
  • Having and consuming
  • Indulging in emotions

Trapped in ignorance:

  • Lack of awareness
  • Operating within limited boundaries
  • Experiencing limitations
  • Choosing in the darkness
  • Fear of the unseen
  • Deceived by appearances

Feeling despair:

  • Believing in the worst
  • Desperation
  • Lack of faith
  • Seeing a bleak world
  • Negative thinking
  • Worrying about a gloomy future
  • Doubt

Some contrasting cards:

  • FoolTrust, belief
  • Star – Hope, faith, optimism
  • 4 of Wands – Freedom, liberation
  • 6 of Cups – Goodwill, innocence, simple joy
  • 10 of Cups – Happiness, harmony, good fortune

Some supportive cards:

  • 7 of Cups – Excessive desire, indulgence
  • 8 of Swords – Confusion, limitations
  • 9 of Swords – Despair, lack of joy

Detailed Description:

Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Satan, Prince of Darkness. No matter what we call him, The Devil tarot will always be a symbol of negativity and unwanted aspects. From a human perspective, we see the world as a struggle between light and darkness. We want to overcome the bad to let the good prevail. In reality, good and evil cannot be separated, just as you cannot separate a shadow from its object. Darkness is simply the absence of light, and it is created by the concealment of truth. This card, number 15, shows us those mistakes.

Firstly, there is ignorance – not knowing the truth and not realizing that we don’t know. Secondly, there is materialism – the belief that there is nothing beyond the material. As spiritual beings, we look to the Divine, but we will lose connection to this truth if we only rely on our senses. Despair also exists, stealing our joy and blocking the path to light.

Traditionally, The Devil tarot represents the negative, but it doesn’t carry that horrific meaning in a tarot reading. This card informs you that you might be in a state of poor health or stagnation. You may be falling into darkness about something – lacking understanding of the truth and its implications. You may be haunted by a person, an idea, a material possession, or an image that you know will negatively impact you (or perhaps you don’t know). Sometimes, this card reflects back the negativity that makes you worry about yourself and your future. We often hold onto mistakes in life. Card number 15 lets us know when those mistakes become serious enough to pay attention to. When we see The Devil tarot, consider your assumptions carefully. Make sure you’re not working from mistaken images of yourself and your circumstances. Quickly turn to your highest vision of who you truly are.

Upright Meaning of The Devil Tarot Cards List

Introduction: Tarot Cards List The Devil tarot is not a “terrifying” card in the sense of the visual depictions on most Tarot cards. It is a card of bondage, but this bondage often carries hidden meanings and resides within the realm of thoughts. With this card, you are called to look deep beneath the surface and explore the truth and deeper significance of a situation. You are also reminded that when you feel empowered, you hold the key to finding your own freedom. Do not lose hope!

Overview: The important thing to remember is that you always have choices in any circumstance. First and foremost, do not let others tell you that your options are limited. If you find yourself confined by such conclusions, make sure they stem from your own self. Another crucial aspect is to recognize that you can liberate yourself from any constraints holding you back and choose how to navigate at any given moment. You may currently feel a lack of control over your life, and sometimes this is a result of your own actions, but often it is a consequence of inertia. Therefore, take action, take steps towards anything that can bring you a sense of control. Even simply making a choice about where to have dinner can be significant. Small steps matter greatly.

Career: You may strongly feel tied to a job that you do not enjoy, but cannot see a clear way to leave because it provides a sense of security. Consider whether the trade-off is worth it; factors such as working hours, age, job availability, benefits, etc., are genuinely being ensured. If you choose to stay, recognize that it is a choice you are making, rather than anyone or anything imposing it on you. If you feel that this exchange is not worthwhile, silence these feelings and think about what you can do to change the situation. You will not be bound unless you allow yourself to be bound.

Love: If you are in a long-term relationship, one or both parties may feel as if they are in bondage. If you experience such signs, have an open conversation if you want to maintain the relationship. We always have choices. Take the initiative for something magical to happen. If you are seeking your own love, it may indicate that you are searching in vain, projecting an attitude that pushes potential love interests away. If you find yourself in such a situation, consider taking a brief break from that relationship to focus on understanding and improving yourself. Resume your search when it no longer feels urgent.

Financial: Everything may be or will be quite tense in the near future. Avoid getting frustrated with your circumstances and instead, resolve them calmly and wisely. Take it step by step. If you need financial assistance, don’t hesitate or be too proud to ask for help. Support is always available to you. If you feel that your current financial situation is comfortable, this is still a reminder to exercise financial restraint. Save up for rainy days!

Health: This is a time when you need to guard against overworking, overexertion, and excessive stress. Dedicate time for exercise and also engage in activities that help you focus on the issues others are facing rather than solely your own. If you are dealing with chronic health issues, don’t let them overwhelm you; you have so much more to life than just illness, and you can better manage them by using health challenges as a motivation for personal growth.

Spirit: Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial during this time. Positive affirmations are very important and will benefit you. Look at the people around you. Are they optimistic, positive individuals who uplift others, or are they overly critical and constantly finding fault in others, causing you annoyance? Plant positive thoughts and take positive actions. Life is too short, and moods are easily contagious.

Reversed Meaning of The Devil Tarot – Tarot Cards List

Introduction: Especially when reversed, The Devil tarot is not a frightening card in interpretation. When it appears in reverse, it reminds us that any circumstances or situations that make us feel trapped are actually illusions; we always have choices, and help is always available.

Overview: When the card The Devil tarot appears in reverse, it becomes a suggestion to carefully consider a situation, without necessarily being swayed by appearances. Things may not be as bad as they seem on the surface. In particular, the reversed Devil card reminds us to be realistic that life can quickly change, sometimes in very positive ways. You may feel a loss of control at this time. The first step is to take deep breaths and stay calm. Then, you need to take action, to do anything that makes you feel in control, no matter how fragile. Even simple decisions like where you will have dinner can be important. Small steps are also very important. Do not see this as a negative card, especially when it appears in reverse.

Work: This is an important moment to realize when you draw the reversed Devil card that any work or job that claims to be “long-term” and secure in the present day may not necessarily be guaranteed indefinitely. This is not necessarily a bad thing; information and new knowledge are power, and knowing that you have choices is a strong emotional foundation instead of feeling that you have to stay in a situation forever because you think it provides protection and security. In recent years, many people have seen promised bonuses and assistance quickly taken away. Yes, you have to be your own, the assurance comes from within, not from the outside world. If you find yourself in a situation where you are not satisfied with your work because of the sense of security and safety it offers, then recognize that this is a choice you are making, and nothing or no one is forcing you. If you don’t feel the exchange is worth the dissatisfaction you feel, then start turning off these feelings and think about what you can do to change the situation. You are not bound unless you allow yourself to be bound. There are always choices available to you in different ways.

Love: The reversed meaning of the Devil tarot card can be a friendly indication that there may be underlying issues in a long-term romantic relationship. Either one or both parties may start to feel constrained within the circumstances. This moment may arrive when you have a need to address it if you want to salvage the relationship. However, the reversed meaning of this card does not emphasize as much on long-term romantic relationships compared to the upright meaning. If you are seeking love and draw this card, consider whether you feel too confined in a state of loneliness and whether you are willing to make an effort to bring contentment to your situation. Desperation to obtain love can drive potential partners away. Clingy and possessive behavior is often unattractive to “healthy” prospects. Make sure you do not fall into that category. Take a pause and reconsider for a while.

Finance: Similar to the upright meaning, the reversed Devil card suggests that there may be significant financial tension in the near future. You need to make an effort not to become frustrated or resentful with your circumstances, but instead, handle things calmly and wisely. Take it step by step. No matter what situation you are in, it will not last forever. If you need financial assistance, do not hesitate or feel too proud to make proposals. Help is always available. When you draw this card while your finances are still flowing smoothly, it still serves as a warning about your financial situation. Be cautious and save for the rainy days!

Health: The level of underlying tension indicated by the upright Devil card is not as severe when drawn in reverse. However, this is a moment when you need to evaluate if you are pushing yourself too hard, feeling excessively tired, or overly stressed. Regular exercise or any activity that helps you “escape yourself” rather than being consumed by your own issues is essential. Like other indications of this card, you only suffer from health issues—at least in your mindset and emotions—when you allow yourself to. Push for improvement, but do not punish yourself for the physical limitations you have. Everything has been balanced out.

Spirituality: With the reversed Devil tarot card, your attitude and positive outlook are still crucial. Especially if you are having difficulty maintaining a good attitude, consider who and what truly supports you. Keep positive people around you, or are you surrounded by overly critical and judgmental individuals who constantly scrutinize your shortcomings and complain about what you have not done well? Plant thoughts, reap actions. Life is too short, and moods are contagious. This card once again reminds you that no matter how it may appear on the surface, you are not truly bound. Even when you are physically confined, they cannot restrict your spirit, soul, or mind. Utilize the freedom you have.

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