Tarot Cards List – 18 -The Moon
- Fear
- Illusion
- Imagination
- Anxiety
Tarot Cards List
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In Action
Feeling afraid:
- Release anxiety in the heart
- Feeling unnamed fear
- Being haunted
- Accepting weakness
- Lack of courage
- Being invaded by anxiety
Believing in illusions:
- Believing in things that are not real
- Deceiving oneself
- Having unrealistic ideas
- Misunderstanding the truth
- Experiencing psychological changes
- Chasing after an illusion
Pursuing imagination:
- Having dreams or clear visions
- Being open to illusions
- Exploring the subconscious
- Nurturing unconventional thoughts
- Becoming bizarre
Feeling anxious:
- Losing direction and purpose
- Having difficulty with clear thinking
- Being distressed
- Easily losing focus
- Feeling confused
- Wandering aimlessly
Some Contrasting Cards:
- Star – peace, worry-free, tranquility
- Sun – assurance, clarity, enlightenment
Some Supportive Cards:
- 7 of Cups – illusions, unrealistic ideas, fantasies
- 2 of Swords – self-deception, not seeing the truth
- 8 of Swords – confusion, lack of clarity
Detailed Description:
If you were to look around the room now, you might (possibly!) see everyone and everything comfortably in their familiar positions. Everything is within the boundaries as you want it to be. You know that if you close your eyes and open them again, the room will remain the same. But… have you ever felt a place losing its familiarity and instead being replaced by a world so strange that you can’t understand it? That is the experience of The Moon.
Most of the time, we live in a small, ordinary world that we wrap around ourselves like a protective blanket. We turn our backs on the mysterious universe that awaits outside. Sometimes we immerse ourselves in our imagination or venture into illusions or expanded perceptions. We can be pushed out there without any preparation, such as getting entangled in substances, madness, or harsh experiences like war.
The Moon is the light in this world – the world of darkness and night. Although it is incredibly wonderful, it is not at all frightening. In the right circumstances, The Moon inspires and enchants us. The Moon opens doors to promises that what you imagine can become reality. The Moon leads you to the mystical so that you can allow the extraordinary to come into your life.
Unfortunately, we often fear The Moon. When interpreted, this card often represents fear and anxiety – things that come from the dark side of the night. Card number 18 also represents illusions. It’s easy to lose your way under the moonlight. Be careful not to let deceptive and misguided ideas lead you astray. Sometimes, The Moon is a sign that you are lost and wandering without a clear purpose. You must find your way back to your path and clear purpose.
Upright Meaning of The Moon
Introduction: The Moon indicates that life seems to be causing confusion for you. You appear to be struggling to understand where you come from, let alone what others think of you! You need to adapt to the uncertainties instead of trying to force everything or everyone to do something before they are ready. This card, in fact, is the “Pisces” card of the Tarot deck.
Overview: You are definitely in a more spiritual and intuitive phase than ever before, so it’s important to trust your instincts and feelings, even if you don’t know where they come from. Similarly, when this card appears, it doesn’t bring you doubt but helps you realize that things are not always as they appear on the surface. If you feel like you can’t trust someone, it’s likely that they are not trustworthy. Trust your intuition. If you’re waiting for someone’s answer, it may take longer than expected. Patience is important.
Career: Unfortunately, things may not be clear at all. Ask and actively listen to ensure that you and your colleagues understand each other completely. Once again, patience is necessary. Stay calm, especially when you feel attacked, and trust your colleagues or supervisor. The truth may not be as bad as you think.
Love: This card points to a period of heightened emotions in relationships. Things can quickly become turbulent and/or uncomfortable. Take breaks if you feel the need. Avoid overanalyzing and argue fairly if you must argue. Choose your battles to ensure that you treat your partner as a friend. It’s not the right time to end a relationship or start a new one. It may not be the right time for both.
Finance: If you’re waiting for financial decisions to be made by others, the appearance of this card may imply that you will have to wait even longer. It’s not the time to make business decisions without specific and concrete evidence.
Health: Always listen to your intuition when it comes to health matters. If a diagnosis (whether positive or negative) doesn’t feel right or if you’re uncomfortable with the current healthcare service, choose an alternative solution or provider. For those who consume alcohol or are addicted to stimulants, this is likely the easiest time for you to quit. You can still use them if necessary, but practice moderation.
Spirituality: This is a time of heightened spirituality and a great opportunity to read a book, engage in healing therapies, or explore other helpful spiritual activities. You are leaning more towards spirituality than usual; pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, as well as fleeting insights that you don’t know where they come from. This is also a great time to explore renowned spiritual books worldwide—you will learn more than usual!
Reversed Meaning of The Moon
Introduction: Especially when in the reversed position, The Moon indicates that things may seem confusing for you and those around you. It is important to adapt to these issues instead of trying to force things or people to do something before they are ready. This card is the “Pisces” card in the Tarot deck.
Overall: You are definitely in a more spiritual and intuitive phase than ever before, so it is important to trust your instincts and feelings, even if you don’t know where they come from. However, when you draw The Moon in reverse, your feelings may seem less clear and harder to explain. Nevertheless, do not disregard the messages you are receiving. Try to delve deeper into their meanings. Just like the upright meaning of The Moon card, if you are waiting for someone’s answer, it may take longer to receive. Be patient.
Career: When The Moon appears in reverse, things may not be clear. The most vulnerable part is when you feel like you have a clear grasp of something, but in reality, you don’t. It is important to ask questions, especially to your boss or superiors, and actively listen to ensure that you and your colleagues understand each other completely. Be patient and calm, and especially when you feel “attacked,” trust your colleagues or supervisors, as the truth may not be as bad as you think. Avoid demanding major changes from your current job; it may not be the time unless you are seeking a new position.
Love: Similar to the upright meaning, the reversed Moon card can indicate a period of heightened emotions in relationships. Things may quickly become turbulent and/or negative. Take some time apart if you need to. Avoid jumping to conclusions and instead argue fairly if you must. However, don’t ignore your intuition. Ignoring it will only make you more uncomfortable, angry, and possibly anxious. Choose how you argue in a way that ensures you are treating your partner as a friend. Avoid rushing to end or start a new relationship. This may not be the time for either of these.
Finance: When The Moon appears in reverse regarding financial matters, it is clear that you do not have all the necessary information, even if you think you do. If you are facing financial difficulties or considering signing a contract, seek advice from experts before signing or making significant changes in financial matters. It’s not just you who lacks clarity; when this card appears, those around you may also be confused.
Health: This is a crucial time for you to listen to your intuition regarding health issues, as long as you do not defy the advice of a doctor. Just like the upright meaning, when The Moon is reversed, consider a diagnosis (whether positive or negative) that doesn’t feel right, or if you feel uncomfortable with your current healthcare service, choose an alternative solution or service. Once again, when The Moon appears in reverse, be extremely cautious when using “stimulants” (such as cigarettes and alcohol). Enjoy them moderately if you must.
Spirituality: When you draw the reversed Moon card, it is still a highly spiritual period and a great time for reading books, engaging in healing therapies, or other beneficial spiritual or mental activities. You are leaning towards spirituality more than usual (even if the messages you are receiving may be harder to interpret when this card is in reverse). Similar to the upright meaning, the reversed Moon card tells you to pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, as well as fleeting information that you don’t know where it comes from.