Tarot Cards List – 7 – The Chariot
- Win
- Wish
- Self-affirmation
- Hard to control
Tarot Cards List
Click Here To Learn The Meaning Of Tarot Cards.
In Action
Achieving victory:
- Completing goals
- Success
- Becoming a leader
- Overcoming opponents
Using personal desires:
- Determined to succeed
- Focusing attention
- Overcoming temptations
- Not letting anything hinder you
- Perseverance and dedication
- Channeling energy entirely into the goal
- Asserting oneself
- Identifying personal identity
- Knowing who you are
- Feeling confident
- Believing in oneself
- Pursuing what you care about
Difficult to control:
- Mastering emotions
- Restraining impulsiveness
- Maintaining discipline
- Controlling inner anger
- Establishing a direction
- Holding onto control
- Demonstrating power
Some contrasting cards:
- Strength – Gentle control
- Hanged Man – Accepting fate, putting others first
- Tower – Conquering, learning through experience
- 8 of Swords – Anxiety, self-doubt
- 10 of Swords – Powerless, falling into traps
Some supportive cards:
- Magician – Using personal desires, focus
- 2 of Wands – Taking charge, leading
- 6 of Wands – Triumph, self-assurance
- 4 of Pentacles – Control
Elaborate Description
The Chariot embodies the image of Julius Caesar riding triumphantly into Rome on a glorious chariot, having defeated his enemies and gained plentiful spoils and lands. This is the essence of The Chariot card. As the number 7 card, it symbolizes glory achieved through strong desires and a high sense of individuality. The imagery of the military is highly fitting for The Chariot as it is associated with the power of conquest – discipline, unwavering determination, and decisiveness.
The Chariot represents the positive aspect of the self, strength, and belief in oneself. It knows what it wants and how to achieve it. We may not necessarily like someone with a strong ego, but when it comes to problem-solving, we seek them out to help us overcome difficulties because we know they possess decisive qualities.
In a tarot reading, The Chariot often appears when there is an entity that is difficult to control and easily recognizable. In the best-case scenario, the ego is not brutish but strong and clear, driven by powerful desires and unwavering confidence. The Chariot can represent self-control or control over the environment. It also symbolizes victory. There are many types of victories, and The Chariot represents the kind that is “winning it all,” defeating others, and becoming a leader. Those moments are the true glory in reasonable circumstances.
The Upright Meaning of The Chariot
Introduction: The Chariot emanates a great deal of energy, but it’s not the kind of “free-for-all” energy; it is direct, controlled, and purposeful. When this card appears, you may have a clear sense of your desires and dreams, and you know how to achieve them.
Overview: The card is oriented towards decisiveness and ambition, completing tasks, proving yourself, and verifying what you have. It’s a sign that you should move forward with whatever you have in your mind and heart, and give it your best effort. However, remember that true success requires both courage and heart.
Work: In your work, it’s important not to let small details overwhelm your mind. There may be people opposing you (intentionally or unintentionally). Don’t let that bother you. Do the best you can and don’t waste time focusing on what others think or comment on your efforts. If you are right (and you likely are), they will see it. You may be feeling a sense of excitement within yourself and ready to move forward.
Love: In love, you may feel urged to go far and go fast, or someone may be pressuring you to do so. Either way, communicate as openly as possible about your limits and desires, be honest with yourself about potential outcomes. If someone makes an offer you’re not interested in, simply let them know you’re not interested. The initial discomfort may actually benefit both of you in the long run.
Finances: In general, things seem to be fine when it comes to financial aspects. You may be considering making purchases related to transportation, such as buying a car or plane tickets to go to a place you’ve wanted to visit for a long time. Prioritize paying off any debts if you have them. You can do it now if you maintain a disciplined lifestyle.
Health: Overall, your vitality is strong, and you’re ready to spring into action at any time. This is a perfect time to start or enhance a physical fitness plan. You are capable of achieving more than you expect.
Spirituality: You may be going somewhere (physically or figuratively) to enhance your understanding of the spiritual world, and you’re in a state of rapid learning about spiritual matters. Attend workshops, talk about spiritual topics that are new to you and beyond your previous learning scope. You will gain more than you can imagine by trying these new things, and this may be the time you need for deep contemplation.
The Reversed Meaning of The Chariot
Interpretation: Despite being reversed, The Chariot still represents change. This change can be literal, from one place to another, or more abstractly, a shift within yourself or in a cherished person in your mind or heart.
Overview: The reversed Chariot suggests that you should carefully consider where you are going, where you want to go, and why. Avoid rushing forward just for the sake of moving. Purpose and direction are crucial at this time.
Work: The reversed Chariot indicates that you may be going too far, too fast. Yes, your idea is great. And yes, you have every reason to be excited about it. However, you cannot expect others to be as enthusiastic as you are. Be cautious and smart in presenting your ideas in a way that others will “hear you.”
Love: When The Chariot appears reversed, it may indicate that you have encountered someone whom you believe is special, and you feel the need to push things forward quickly. Alternatively, you may be tired of a relationship and want to quickly break free from it. The message is that you should not push too hard, especially in a new relationship. There is a reason why people say “good things come to those who wait.” Don’t be afraid to wait!
Finances: You may be feeling a surge of energy as you accomplish things and improve your financial situation significantly. That’s not entirely wrong; however, this card implies that you should slow down and consider alternative courses of action. Remember: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be cautious!
Health: You are determined to improve your physical well-being. But don’t overexert yourself and risk adverse effects. You can’t and shouldn’t go from 0 to 120 miles per hour overnight. Don’t take unnecessary risks and potentially fail to achieve your goals. Take gradual steps to improve.
Spirituality: You believe that you have found the answer to your long-standing spiritual questions. There is certainly some truth in that. However, when this card appears reversed, it also serves as a slight warning. Reflect deeply before pursuing a new avenue of spiritual exploration, at least a dozen times before placing your spiritual trust in someone or an organization for the rest of your life. Trust yourself first!