Tarot Cards List – 8 of Cups
- Deep meaning – Truth
- Moving forward
- Weary
Tarot Cards List
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In Action – Tarot Cards List:
Seeking truth:
- Focus on personal truth
- Abandoning meaningless competition
- Searching for answers
- Prioritizing what truly matters
- Embarking on a journey of discovery
- Seeking the truth
- Devoting more time to spirituality
Moving forward:
- Recognizing the current cycle/phase has ended
- Letting go of a futile situation
- Untangling oneself
- Starting an indefinite journey
- Letting go
- Completing and moving on
Growing weary:
- Feeling exhausted from desires
- Living aimlessly through the days
- Feeling tired and apathetic
- Lacking energy
- Losing hope
- Burdened by worries
- Becoming fatigued
Some Contrasting Tarot Cards:
- Strength – endurance, inner strength
- The Sun – vitality, high energy
- 9 of Wands – persistence, perseverance
Some Supportive Tarot Cards:
- The Hermit – seeking deep meaning
- Death – transition, making decisions to move on
- 3 of Wands – embarking on a journey, entering new territory
- 8 of Wands – completion, ending a chapter
- 6 of Swords – moving forward, taking a journey
Detailed Description – Tarot Cards List:
A psychologist friend of mine once told me that when a group of people is preparing for a breakup, the members will clearly show the impact signs of that breakup. They exhibit certain restlessness. Members tend to be late for meetings, communicate less, and appear distracted. To some extent, the participants in the group know that it’s time to move on, but they still need some more time to go through that final step.
This process is quite fitting in many situations when an ending is approaching. Nothing is permanent in life. Sooner or later, everything will depart… or we will lose them. The 8 of Cups represents those moments when we realize – once and for all – that the past is gone. What used to be true is no longer true. The signs of change have appeared right before our eyes, and we must accept it. It’s time to move on.
Moving on can imply a change such as leaving a job, a position, or a relationship. It can also mean an internal change – freeing ourselves from old patterns, especially thoughts that have dominated our minds and emotions. On the 8 of Cups card, we see a man walking away on a journey. He has turned his back on his old emotions (the cups/river) to step onto a new path. Sometimes, this step may mean seeking a deeper truth or finding a certain reality. One morning, we wake up and realize that we have been asleep in life – living in an illusion that no longer brings satisfaction or fulfillment.
Some changes can cause a sense of exhaustion or fatigue. Endings are not always easy. One of the signs of readiness to leave is a lack of energy. When you feel tired and disheartened, you know that something is not right, and that’s the time for a new direction. Reevaluate your life and your own priorities. You will find yourself needing to immerse into a certain aspect of life.
Upright Meaning of 8 of Cups – Tarot Cards List :
Introduction: The 8 of Cups often signifies that you will choose to abandon a situation or circumstance that is no longer suitable for you – it could be a relationship, a job, or a living arrangement. This may cause some sadness, but overall, this separation is for your best interest.
Overview: Know that the time for positive changes is waiting ahead of you. If your intuition is telling you that you truly need to step away from a relationship, a job, or a particular life arrangement, then trust yourself. Instead of this separation appearing as a sad event or something or someone leaving you, typically, this card implies that you are the one making the choice to leave. It is common to have to close the door behind you before the next door in front of you can open wide to welcome you.
Career: Your current job may no longer be suitable for you. You may feel bored or realize that your efforts are not being appreciated. Think carefully about what is best and most suitable for you; try to resolve your current situation, and if not, move on. Either choice will be beneficial for you. However, one thing is certain – things will not change for the better on their own. So if you truly feel dissatisfied, think in detail about the specific changes that need to happen to make you happier in your work. And if you genuinely feel unable or unwilling to make those changes, then seek out a new position, a new job. You are fully capable of doing that.
Love: You may sense that a long-term relationship is coming to an end. If you are certain of this, don’t wait for the “right time” to say it, because there will never be a “good time” to tell someone that the relationship between you and them needs to end. Don’t jump into a new relationship right away; take some time and space to reassess everything.
Finance: If you are truly feeling exhausted with your current life and job, don’t let the sense of security of receiving a monthly paycheck keep you tied to that job. However, you also need to consider carefully before quitting. Health insurance, especially in the United States, is something worth considering (if you are employed, your company will obviously cover this for you). However, with a long-term vision and clear plans, as well as attention to detail, if you want to work for yourself, you can definitely do it. Just make sure your plan is well-organized and thoroughly prepared. Money is not everything.
Health: Stress can occur and cause various health issues. Make sure you pay sufficient attention to your diet, exercise, and get enough sleep. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.
Spirituality: You may need some personal time. Embrace that period of time. You will gain insight into your inner self and find wisdom in that quiet space, listening to the gentle voice from within.
Reversed Meaning of 8 of Cups – Tarot Cards List:
Introduction: The reversed 8 of Cups often implies that you may be contemplating leaving a situation or circumstance that no longer serves you if you continue to maintain it. However, this reversed card also calls for you to pause and consider your upcoming decision more carefully. You may not have given that situation or circumstance enough time.
Overview: When the 8 of Cups appears in reverse, it is important to remind yourself that beautiful times are still ahead. If your “gut feeling” is telling you that you truly need to step away from a relationship, a job, or a life arrangement, then trust yourself, but first think long and carefully. Consider and evaluate the situation before making a decision, as well as weigh the benefits and drawbacks you may receive from that decision, if possible.
Career: If you draw the reversed 8 of Cups, you may be feeling a strong urge to quickly escape from your current job situation. There is always a reason why you feel that way, so don’t dismiss your own feelings, but at the same time, you don’t need to act immediately. “Jumping from the frying pan into the fire” is a risky idea at this moment. Talk to someone you trust before executing your plan to leave your current job.
Love: You may be feeling inclined to end a long-standing relationship (if you are in one) and drawing the reversed 8 of Cups is a warning to take more time to reflect on your upcoming decision. Every relationship has its difficulties, and the challenge is that we have to live with such difficulties. Eventually, you and your partner may part ways. But remember, you will only do so if you are truly calm, clear-headed, and certain about your decision. If you are seeking the love of your life, this is the time to immerse yourself in the community and the world in every way possible. Don’t just stay home and feel lonely. Try to make others happy, and your loneliness will disappear.
Finance: In the current situation, you may be thinking that you can hardly survive another day with your financial difficulties, but the truth is you can manage it. Don’t rush to evaluate; instead, slowly and thoughtfully consider your own financial situation, weigh what you should do, must do, and then take action. Seek advice. You may need a whole day to truly assess your situation and financial condition.
Health: With the reversed 8 of Cups, it may indicate that stress is suppressing you. Always remember that you are in control and can manage any stress. Take some time to balance yourself and assess whether your habits are negatively affecting your health. You are fully aware of and in control of what you think and desire, rather than being “trapped.”
Spirituality: When the reversed 8 of Cups appears, you need to engage more with the outside world. If you find this difficult, at least find a trustworthy friend or a group of friends with whom you feel comfortable maintaining a relationship, and go out and talk to people. Many good things will come from this simple action, including reconnecting yourself with the spiritual and metaphysical aspects, both within yourself and the outside world. Don’t isolate yourself.