Tarot Cards List – 9 of Wands

Tarot Cards List – 9 of Wands

  • Defense
  • Patience
  • Endurance

Tarot Cards List
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Tarot Cards List – Nine of Wands

In Action


  • Weak willpower
  • Thinking of the worst outcome
  • Preventive measures
  • Paranoia
  • Feeling cautious and wary
  • Protecting others
  • Haunted by past attacks


  • Persevering despite everything going against you
  • Refusing to take “no” for an answer
  • Seeing something through to the end
  • Failing but getting back up
  • Maintaining determination
  • Trying again and again

Displaying endurance:

  • Continuing despite weakness
  • Sustaining
  • Summoning hidden reserves
  • Fighting back with resilience
  • Demonstrating physical strength
  • Keeping up with the pace

Some Contrasting Tarot Cards:

  • 3 of Cups – friendship, trusting someone
  • 6 of Cups – innocence, believing in the best
  • 8 of Cups – exhaustion, weariness

Some Supportive Tarot Cards:

  • Strength – resilience, enthusiasm, determination
  • 7 of Wands – holding a position, maintaining
  • 2 of Swords – self-defense, being guarded
  • 8 of Pentacles – perseverance

Detailed Description – Tarot Cards List:

The imagery of the character in the 9 of Wands card strongly portrays resilience in the face of adversity. His head and hands are bandaged, and he leans on a staff. This soldier has been through several battles, yet he remains steadfast! He is in pain, but he does not falter. When we have had a bad experience, we feel weary and fearful of conflicts. Even if we do not feel physical pain, our spirits are inevitably wounded to some extent. Our openness, innocence, and trust are no longer present, replaced by a defensive mindset and vigilance.

In a tarot reading, the 9 of Wands can be a warning to proceed with caution. Pay attention as there is a possibility of getting hurt. If you have been burned before, you’ll know the feeling of the man in this card. Life’s lessons can sometimes be challenging, especially when hope is severed. It is natural for humans to activate a defensive mindset in such times, but do not sink deeply into despair. What you have gone through will hurt you, but it will also make you stronger.

Strength is another aspect of the 9 of Wands. This soldier is truly tenacious! He possesses both physical endurance and unwavering inner strength despite everything being against him. This card calls on you to keep going no matter what. Even when everyone and everything seems to be opposing you at this moment, do not give up. Within you lies a reserve of strength that needs to be unleashed.

Upright Meaning of 9 of Wands – Tarot Cards List:

Introduction: The majority of the Wands suit consists of very positive cards, but when you reach the highest card in this suit, you may find them becoming more complex and challenging. The 9 of Wands card marks the beginning of this level. This card can contain doubts and anxieties – feeling overwhelmed and concerned about related issues.

Overview: When the 9 of Wands card appears, the first and best thing you should do is take a deep breath and remain calm. Don’t let your worries overshadow your spirit. Set aside specific times, maybe once a day or once an hour, to think about that concern if you must. At least one of your worries is likely just a product of your imagination. Be specific about what is causing your fear and set it aside. What is the actual likelihood of the issue you are worried about happening? Comfort yourself, and if you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for it. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

Work: There may be some tension in your work when this card appears. Don’t let the tension escalate; think carefully before speaking and maintain the highest level of composure outwardly. Clarify the things you can control and cannot control and then try to ease your mind a little. Deal with the issues within your control to the best of your ability, and things will be fine. If you are wondering whether you could lose your job, when this card appears, the answer may be yes. It is a forewarning for you to prepare yourself mentally. What will you do when that happens?

Love: In matters of love, an important thing to remember is that no relationship in the world can be “stable” in an unchanging way. Try giving your partner more space. And if you don’t have a partner and are longing for love and being loved, understand that this may not be the right time for you. Is there something about yourself that you want to change? Take this time to regain control of your own emotions, so that when you are ready for a new relationship, the person you are attracting into your life will also have complete happiness and love – yourself. Don’t rush it!

Finance: When it comes to finances, worrying will not solve the problem. Try to stay calm and assess the situation and potential courses of action thoughtfully. Take it one small step at a time. Consider ways you can increase your income, even if it’s just a little bit.

Health: Worry, stress, and anxiety can significantly affect your current life. Make sure you are treating yourself in the best way possible. Balance physical exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest. Breathing exercises and meditation will be particularly helpful for you at this time. If you are awaiting medical test results, don’t worry too much, and remember that you still have many other things to take care of. Focus on the positive aspects. If needed, write down things you feel fortunate to have. Initiate relationships with positive people around you. You will soon find the answers you seek.

Spirituality: Currently, you may not be fully ready to be strict and disciplined with yourself; however, this is a time when maintaining discipline will help you achieve your spiritual goals. Focus, live with a plan, and set higher demands on yourself in terms of study and spiritual commitment. You have the hidden strength to achieve whatever you want.

Reversed Meaning of 9 of Wands – Tarot Cards List:

Introduction: The reversed 9 of Wands card implies a need to embody a spirit of harmony, both with yourself and with others. Recognize your own capabilities and remember that kindness and vulnerability are not the same thing. Strive to exhibit kindness to the fullest extent possible.

Overview: When the reversed 9 of Wands card appears, it is important not to be hard on yourself if you feel that your physical, mental, or emotional strength is waning. None of us can be strong and perfect all the time. Allow yourself to lean on someone or something positive, and always remember that your strength will return. Everything has its cycles.

Career: It is possible that you feel completely overwhelmed with work and unsure of how to break free. If you find yourself in this situation, confide in someone in your personal life whom you trust, and then consider appropriate actions to take in the workplace. There’s no need to overwork yourself, but it’s worth noting that doing fewer tasks with higher productivity is more important than doing many tasks half-heartedly. If possible, ask for help.

Love: You may find that you believe 100% in everything you say or do, while your partner completely disagrees when the reversed 9 of Wands card appears in a love reading. In this situation, it’s not advisable to force your partner to see things from your perspective through anger and coercion. Try a gentler approach and find the key point in their perspective or actions. If you’re in the stage of seeking love, try approaching potential partners gently and empathetically. Haste and impatience can “ruin” your efforts.

Finances: In the realm of finances, the reversed 9 of Wands card holds a similar meaning to its upright counterpart. Navigating yourself with fear and worry will not help you in this situation. Don’t fret about your position; instead, tackle each task one by one, ask for assistance when needed, and consider ways to reduce expenses and/or increase your income. You can overcome this situation, but venting anger or worrying will only harm you instead of helping. Things cannot change overnight, and this is not the time to invest in risky ventures.

Health: Try your best to remain calm and patient. Feeling anxious may be a major issue for you at this time if you let it consume your spirit. Take deep breaths, engage in exercise (if you can handle the physical strain or if your doctor allows it). It can be helpful to you at this time. If you’re waiting for health-related results, you may have to wait a little longer. Don’t hesitate to seek help and discuss what’s relevant to you. Release tension in the best way you can.

Spirituality: You may not feel a “spiritual connection” when the reversed 9 of Wands appears. Instead, you might feel that there are too many practical things in your life to the point where you can’t dedicate much time or mind to spiritual matters. One mistake is considering spirituality, physicality, and mental well-being as one. The happiest and most practical people are actually those who care about all three separate aspects. Even if you can only focus on all three at the present moment, you should still take a moment to reflect or visit a place of reverence once a week. Start with yourself. Taking a moment to think and focus on spirituality is still better than doing nothing at all, and it’s best to perform your own spiritual rituals in your own way, regardless of what others say or think.

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