Tarot Cards List – 12 – The Hanged Man

Tarot Cards List – 12 – The Hanged Man

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  • Pause
  • Sacrifice

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Tarot Cards List – 12 -The Hanged Man

In Action


  • Emotional release
  • Accepting reality
  • Surrendering
  • No longer stuck
  • No defense and openness
  • No control
  • Accepting the will of heaven


  • Turning life around
  • Changing mindset
  • Reversing previous priorities
  • Seeing from a new perspective
  • Rebuilding the old order
  • Changing attitude completely

Pausing action:

  • Pause for reflection
  • Feeling on the sidelines
  • Taking time to relax the mind
  • Abandoning a rushed way of life
  • Living in the present
  • Waiting for the right opportunity


  • Dying for a cause
  • No demands
  • Ignoring personal desires
  • Taking a step back to move two steps forward
  • Enduring to go further
  • Putting others first

Some Contrasting Cards:

  • 7 of Wands – challenge, confrontation
  • 10 of Wands – being trapped
  • 4 of Pentacles – holding back, control

Some Supporting Cards:

  • Fool believing in reality, going with the flow
  • 4 of Swords – rest, pause
  • 10 of Swords – sacrifice, dying for a cause

Detailed Description:

The Hanged Man is indeed one of the most mysterious cards in the deck. Simple yet complex. Attractive yet chaotic. It embodies self-contradiction in every way. The Hanged Man disrupts perspectives because it symbolizes paradoxical actions in life. Paradoxical, defiant, yet true. The Hanged Man holds within it truths, but they are truths hidden behind complete opposites.

The greatest lesson of The Hanged Man is that we “gain control” when we know how to let go, and we “triumph” when we know how to accept defeat. The image on card number 12 represents complete surrender – death on the cross – and radiates a perfect aura of victory. Sacrificing oneself and becoming the victor. The Hanged Man also tells us that we move forward by knowing how to stand still. By pausing, we gain the time of the entire universe.

When reading this card, The Hanged Man reminds us that the way we approach things may not necessarily be the best way. When we want to force others to follow our will, that’s when we should let go. When we want to do things our way, that’s when we should sacrifice. When we want to take immediate action, that’s when we should wait. The paradox is that by doing so, we find what we are seeking.

Upright Meaning of The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man overall indicates that you are at a crossroads – choosing between one of two options, either up or down, off or on, having or not having. You may find yourself wanting to do “something,” but not knowing how to go about it. If that’s the case, it’s clear that you should pause, relax, and let go of the desire to control life/situations/people.

Overview: It’s time to let go of attitudes and desires that are no longer serving you. Sacrifice will bring about more positive transformations than holding onto things tightly. Above all, this is a time for reflection, introspection, especially when you’re seeking to see what is beneficial for you.

Career: Nothing special is happening, and you’re feeling bored. If that’s the case, consider what you can do to make a change. If not, don’t blame yourself for things not progressing as planned. Things will change; they just might not follow your expected timeline. Let it flow, or else seek a different job.

Love: Once again, the underlying theme is “letting go.” For example, letting go of someone you can’t reach may create an opportunity for the right person to enter your life. But that’s just one example. You may need to let go of a certain perspective on a relationship that you believe you “can’t be happy without him/her.” If you’re in a long-term relationship, you may be at a crossroads. If you feel everything is still perfect, explore whether your partner feels the same.

Finances: If you’re facing scarcity, it’s time to learn how to give, yes, give to expand the flow, even if all you have is a piece of bread. Understand that there is always someone willing to extend a helping hand to share that scarce piece of bread with you. Simple acts like this can turn the wheel and bring about a better phase of prosperity for you.

Health: You can radically change your perspective if you believe your physical condition isn’t well. This doesn’t mean disregarding all medical advice; it means delving deeper, researching. What you think you know may not be entirely true, so try a different approach. Health will improve, but it’s a process.

Spirituality: The important thing is to let go of negative thoughts, limiting self-beliefs. Remember the principle of “self-fulfilling prophecy,” so be careful with what you allow yourself to think and speak about life. Make sure the “prophecies” you put forth at least align with what you want.

Reversed Meaning of The Hanged Man

Introduction: When reversed, The Hanged Man still generally carries the meaning that your life is approaching a crossroads – you can only choose one of two options, either up or down, off or on, have or have not. This is not the time to try to control people, outcomes, or circumstances. What matters now is having a stern and thoughtful view of yourself and the choices to consider each step of the way. If you truly don’t know what to do, then that is a clear signal to do nothing.

Overview: It’s likely time for you to let go of perspectives, situations, or relationships that are no longer necessary. However, it’s important to reflect on what has been and understand that sacrificing things that are no longer useful can potentially bring forth something better. The reversed Hanged Man particularly encourages you not to resist change.

Career: If your work is not going well and this card appears reversed, the first thing you need to do is let go of the attitude of blaming everything and everyone (except yourself) for what’s happening. At the same time, don’t shoulder all the responsibilities and hinder your own progress. You may need to change some key elements in your job, so consider what your ideal job would be like.

Love: Once again, with The Hanged Man reversed, the predominant background is still about letting go. You may have to let go of expectations about a typical relationship or a relationship that you believe “you can’t live without.” If you are in a committed relationship, it is likely at a crossroads. If that’s the case, there’s no need to overly worry; just take some time to recognize recent subtle “signs.” Don’t ignore them.

Finances: It’s possible that you don’t know what you’re doing with your personal finances at the moment. One of the most important things to know at this time is that you are not alone, and you don’t have to try to do everything on your own. Don’t hesitate to seek help. Additionally, just like the upright card, even if you are tight on funds, it’s still important to give; yes, give to expand the flow, even if all you have is a piece of bread. Understand that there is always someone ready to extend a helping hand and share their scarce piece of bread with you. Find those who are in need and share with them. Simple acts like this can turn the wheel and bring about better prosperity. We always live together, after all.

Health: It seems that the situation is not going well, and you may need to consider making significant changes in your lifestyle to see how it affects your health and if it improves things. (Of course, along with proper medical care.) For example, many people find significant improvements in their health when they stop consuming dairy, bell peppers, or meat. You may realize that things you thought were not good for you turn out to be different. Like the upright card, if you’re feeling unwell, then think more carefully. There may be things you think you already know, but the truth might be different, so try a different approach. Listen to your body, consider the relationship between your mental and physical symptoms.

Spirituality: Lessons from childhood may require deeper contemplation. Especially for those who have been raised in orthodox religious families or philosophical schools. Reevaluate your long-held beliefs and see if they align with your current life. Ideally, spirituality is a developmental process. A concept that was true when you were 12 may become too narrow for the present. Don’t hesitate to seek out those with more knowledge and learn from others – consider their perspectives and filter what resonates with you.

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