Tarot Cards List – 19 -The Sun
- Enlightenment
- Greatness
- Vitality
- Confidence
Tarot Cards List
Click Here To Learn The Meaning Of Tarot Cards.
In Action
- Understanding
- Seeing the key behind chaos
- Reaching new heights in understanding
- Attaining intellectual excellence
- Reaching the core of the issue
- Recognizing the truth
Experiencing greatness:
- Achieving excellence
- Standing out from the crowd
- Having moments of personal brilliance
- Becoming an outstanding example
- Radiating brilliance
- Becoming different
- Becoming the center of attention
Feeling vibrant and alive:
- Becoming energized
- Full of enthusiasm
- Experiencing joy
- Feeling enthusiastic
- Being recharged
- Having good health
Feeling confident:
- Feeling free and expanded
- Honoring oneself
- Knowing that success is possible
- Becoming self-assured
- Believing in one’s own worth
- Forgiving oneself
Some Contrasting Cards:
- Moon – confusion, uncertainty, illusion
- 8 of Cups – exhaustion
- 6 of Swords – despondency, indifference
- 5 of Pentacles – fatigue, weariness
Some Supporting Cards:
- Tower – enlightenment, revelation
- World – completion, achieving greatness
- 2 of Wands – personal power, vitality, greatness
- 6 of Wands – celebration, standing out
Detailed Description:
Greatness. Radiance. Sparkle. Many words we use evoke the image of power and the splendor of light. When we turn on the light in a room, it means we illuminate every corner. And when we light up the lamp within our minds, that’s when we experience enlightenment. We see clearly and understand the truth. Inside and out, the energy of light expands our boundaries and makes us shine.
Throughout history, the Sun has been honored as the source of light and warmth. In the mythology of many cultures, the Sun is the supreme being – always full of power and courage. The Sun is the essential energy for life to exist on Earth. In tarot, the Sun card symbolizes vitality and magnificence. The Sun card is certainly not a card of passivity and rest.
When interpreting the card, you will understand the Sun card if you imagine yourself as the Sun God. How do you think and feel? You feel completely confident. You are not arrogant, but you have complete trust in your own power. You have boundless energy and abundant health. You have greatness around you and feel yourself to be outstanding. Finally, you see and understand everything unfolding within your crystal globe. When you see this card, know that you will succeed in what you do. This is the time for you to shine.
Upright Meaning of The Sun
Introduction: When the Sun card appears, it is a sign that you may feel more liberated for a certain period of time – it could be years. This is a wonderful time to travel and experience different things. The Sun card speaks of vitality, freedom, joy, and self-expression.
Overview: Overall, things are likely progressing very well for you. However, while finances may appear very good when you draw this card, it doesn’t mean you should lose focus on what truly matters in your life and understand that money doesn’t rank high on that list. This is a good time to connect, meet new people, and socialize with friends.
Career: If you are seeking a new job, this card is a sign that it is coming very close. It is important, however, that no matter what happens, you keep your ego in check and share the success of your work with those who work alongside you, even if you have done most or all of the work. In summary, your career is stable and heading towards new opportunities and advancements.
Love: If you are in a serious relationship, this is a time when both you and your partner may need more personal space than ever before. It is not a time for clinginess, dependency, or excessive need for each other. If you are seeking love, it is definitely close by.
Finances: Financial matters may be more favorable than usual. However, be prepared for unexpected expenses. If you are waiting for a decision to be made by someone else, you will not have to wait much longer, and that decision is likely to be in your favor.
Health: Your physical and emotional well-being are at their peak. It’s a great time to rest and enjoy life if you can. Rest here means both spiritual and physical rest – if you look back, you may notice that your attitude has been very positive lately. This can directly impact your body. Take the time to reflect on what you have been doing right and continue to improve!
Spirituality: This is a time when you can see the true – and I emphasize the truth – meaning of life, which encompasses a lot of beauty, joy, and happiness in life if you search enough and find the right place. Spread this very important message. It’s a great time to explore different spiritual approaches to see if they resonate with you.
Reversed Meaning of The Sun
Introduction: Tarot Cards List – When the Sun card appears, even in reverse, it is still a sign that you may feel “freer” in some way for a period of time – perhaps for several years. However, in the reversed position, this “freedom” will be less apparent, and you may have to work harder to attain it. Nonetheless, it is a great time to travel and experience different things. The Sun card speaks of vitality, freedom, joy, and self-expression.
Overview: Overall, things are generally progressing well for you, even if you draw this card in reverse. When the Sun card is reversed, you need to make a special effort to look for and focus on your “blessings.” No matter who you are or what may be wrong in your life, there is no need to doubt that you have much to be grateful for. Stay aware of these things, and you will attract more blessings to yourself. This is a good time to integrate, meet new people, and socialize with friends.
Career: The reversed Sun card indicates that if you are seeking a new job, it is very close at hand. You need to focus on what you have to offer in terms of negotiation and how your skills and talents can benefit the employer, rather than solely focusing on what they can do for you. The reversed Sun card suggests sharing the rewards of your work with those who work alongside you, even if you have done most or all of the work. In summary, your career is solid and moving toward new opportunities and advancements. Just remember not to assume that the job will always be favorable when this card appears.
Love: When the reversed Sun card appears in a love reading, it indicates that one or both individuals may be assuming that the relationship will always be as smooth as it is currently. This needs to change sooner rather than later if the relationship is to endure. At the same time, both parties may need to have some “breathing space.” If you draw the reversed Sun card while seeking love and romance, it suggests that the possibilities are very promising. However, you need to have a positive attitude and have (or need to develop) high self-esteem. You don’t want an ugly old toad walking into your life. You deserve more than that.
Finances: Generally, whether you draw the Sun card upright or reversed, finances tend to be better than usual. However, when you have money, don’t just spend it all. If you are waiting for a decision to be made by someone else, you will not have to wait much longer, and that decision is likely to be in your favor. However, when this card is reversed, you may need to provide additional information before everything is decided. If that’s the case, don’t worry too much. Everything is still fine.
Health: Whether you draw the Sun card upright or reversed, your health and overall emotional well-being are at a peak. This is a great time to rest and enjoy life if you can. Rest and enjoyment here encompass both spiritual and physical aspects – if you look back, you may find that your attitude has been very positive lately. This can directly impact your body. Take note of what you have been doing right and strive to continue. You will have many blessings. Just make sure you are fully aware of that.
Spirituality: When you draw the reversed Sun card, you may be slightly uncertain about your spiritual perception in recent times. You will know that there is much beauty, joy, and happiness in life if you search in the right places, but you may be in a phase of “not knowing where to look!” If that’s the case, try asking those around you. Seek the guidance of at least one teacher or advisor regarding spiritual matters. Consult with experienced individuals in your spiritual or religious community if you follow a specific faith, or seek advice from “spiritual communities” in any way that feels right to you. This is a great time to experiment with different spiritual approaches and see if they resonate with you. The power and beauty of the Sun are still there, in your spirituality (and never disappear). It’s just that there are a few passing clouds that make it difficult for you to see and feel. Always have faith – if you don’t know where to place your faith, then trust in yourself and in the beauty of this planet and the universe.