Tarot Cards List – 5 of Wands

Tarot Cards List – 5 of Wands

  • Disagreement
  • Struggle
  • Disturbance

Tarot Cards List
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Tarot Cards List – Five of Wands

In Action


  • Feeling conflicted with others
  • Being undermined due to disagreement
  • Arguing, quarreling, engaging in verbal disputes
  • Being dragged into an argument
  • Having a difference of opinion with someone
  • Fighting over trivial matters


  • Feeling excited about engaging in a fight
  • Resisting against an opponent
  • Accepting a challenge
  • Participating in a game or sport
  • Trying to surpass oneself
  • Seeking competition
  • Having an adversary
  • Being challenged by an antagonist


  • Feeling annoyed by demands
  • Experiencing minor setbacks
  • Needing careful attention
  • Enduring teasing or provocation
  • Being bothered by trivial matters

Some Contrasting Tarot Cards:

  • Temperance – balance, harmony, working together
  • World – integration, working together
  • 2 of Cups – reconciliation, agreement, promising together
  • 2 of Pentacles – smooth workflow, connecting people
  • 3 of Pentacles – teamwork, collaboration

Some Supportive Tarot Cards:

  • 7 of Wands – opposition, fighting
  • 10 of Wands – struggle, disturbance, encountering resistance
  • 5 of Swords – discord, mutual opposition

Detailed Description – Tarot Cards List:

You wake up and step into the bathroom, turn on the shower, and realize that you’ve run out of soap. During breakfast, you accidentally spill sauce on your shirt. When you pick up your phone to make a call, you find that it’s out of battery. It seems like a terrible day for you, filled with frustrating occurrences that are trivial yet irritating.

The 5 of Wands card represents a period where circumstances seem to be working against you. Nothing in your life is flowing smoothly; people are working with conflicting agendas. The figures in the card are engaged in conflict with each other. There is no cooperation or consensus present here. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, the message to you is to prepare for a challenging and competitive period ahead. You will need more patience to navigate through everything. The 5 of Wands doesn’t imply major obstacles, but rather small difficulties and annoyances.

This card also represents competition. In appropriate contexts, competition is necessary. It pushes individuals to put in more effort, creates excitement, and encourages the best outcome. When the 5 of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, examine the competitive elements around you. You may soon be participating in a competition or game. You may also discover that you have competitors, people who are opposing you or challenging your position. You might even feel frustrated (or invigorated!) by the fiercely competitive environment you find yourself in. At the core of competition is disagreement. Make sure that competition is benefiting you and those around you in achieving genuine goals. If not, consider collaborating together to move forward.

Upright Meaning of 5 of Wands – Tarot Cards List:

Introduction: The 5 of Wands card often signifies competition in career or professional pursuits, but it can also imply competition in love at times. Don’t be afraid to fight, as you have your own unique qualities that you can use to challenge your opponents, and you have a reason to succeed in this “battle.” But above all, you need to put in the effort to see results.

Overall: When this card appears, you need to believe in yourself stronger than ever before. Keep your head held high and have faith that you will attain what is rightfully yours. You may be contemplating a change in your career, and know that you have the potential for success.

Career: Be aware that you are facing competition, but if you’re fortunate, you may succeed. The only way to ensure failure is not to try. Compete fairly even if others around you do not. The “bad players” may seem to have the upper hand in the short term, but as Gandhi said, that kind of victory will never endure.

Love: The person you are interested in may be pursued by others. Even so, give it your all. You need to know that you’ve done everything you can for this relationship. This card can also indicate that you may be pursued by one or more romantic interests.

Finances: While you may feel that your financial situation is tight, try to analyze your financial circumstances calmly. You may not be able to meet all your obligations right now, but that doesn’t mean you will never be able to. Do what you can and be honest about your situation. Things will soon improve financially, likely within a few weeks.

Health: You may feel discouraged in seeking answers about your health. If you’re stuck in a health issue, remember that rushing may not be the best response at this time. Sometimes the best solution is to navigate around difficulties. At least give yourself a few hours of rest. You still have other hours to address concerns. The reality is that you are likely pushing yourself too hard, and it will negatively impact your health.

Spirituality: It won’t be easy to develop spiritually if you lack direction. Take time to rest, don’t do everything at once. Create space for yourself to be still and listen to the sounds of the environment around you. Life doesn’t always require hustle and struggle. People sometimes need personal space to be themselves. Give yourself the gift of time and space, and from there, you will see and feel spiritual growth.

Reversed Meaning of 5 of Wands – Tarot Cards Lits:

Introduction: The reversed 5 of Wands card can imply conflicts or competitions involving multiple people, often in the realm of career or professional pursuits. Know that you don’t have to – and shouldn’t – face these competitions alone, as there are great advisors by your side when things get tough. Take things one step at a time and think carefully before acting or speaking.

Overall: Like the upright meaning of the 5 of Wands card, you need to truly believe in yourself. If something or someone is causing doubt at the moment, trust your instincts. However, regardless of what happens, think twice before escalating tensions or making irreversible decisions. Take your time, even if you feel frustrated in the coming weeks.

Career: There may be arguments or conflicts arising in your work if you are currently employed when this card appears. Think carefully and remain calm, avoiding getting caught up in disputes and clashes. Make sure you have prepared a reasonable defense for yourself, such as keeping records of actions and having written notes or witnesses during any arguments. If you are job hunting, don’t be discouraged by the challenging competition you are facing. Have confidence in your unique qualities to showcase. Think positively.

Love: If you are in a committed relationship when the reversed 5 of Wands appears, what may seem like external conflicts can actually benefit your relationship (as long as both parties engage in fair “battle”), as you will learn more about yourself, your partner, and alleviate the tense atmosphere. If you are seeking love or interested in someone who seems uninterested, know that their “closed heart” is mostly due to their own issues rather than you. If you truly want to connect with this person, you will need to practice patience.

Finances: If you are experiencing financial difficulties at the moment, it’s time to carefully question old assumptions. You may have thought that you couldn’t cut back on expenses or didn’t know how to earn more money or achieve higher returns on investments. Rethink carefully! Try to evaluate your situation from an outsider’s perspective. What advice would you give them? Things will improve financially, but you need to take a closer look.

Health: The reversed 5 of Wands can imply that you are struggling with physical pain. (This applies if you were already experiencing this pain before the reading was conducted.) If you are injured, don’t overlook any signs and ensure that your healthcare provider pays attention to every detail, even if a clear reason for the pain hasn’t been identified. This pain is impacting your quality of life if it doesn’t subside. Demand serious care and take necessary steps to alleviate symptoms. A change in diet may bring many benefits. Heat and massage therapy can also be helpful.

Spirituality: Know that spiritual development is not a battle. When the reversed 5 of Wands appears, people may try to convince you that you need to develop in a specific direction, at a certain pace, and so on. You should also know that spiritual growth can involve resolving and accepting certain apparent conflicts. Try to find comfort in contradictions and embrace them.

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