Tarot Cards List – 6 of Wands

Tarot Cards List – 6 of Wands

  • Victorious Song
  • Celebration
  • Pride

Tarot Cards List
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Tarot Cards List – Six of Wands

In Action:


  • Living in glory
  • Being honored
  • Receiving awards
  • Overcoming all challenges
  • Emerging victorious in the end
  • Achieving success

Receiving applause:

  • Being appreciated
  • Receiving praise
  • Receiving a reward or recognition
  • Being admired or praised
  • Receiving applause
  • Gaining recognition

Feeling proud:

  • Having a healthy sense of pride
  • Demonstrating one’s abilities confidently
  • Holding one’s head up high
  • Feeling deserving of attention
  • Having a high self-esteem
  • Putting oneself above others
  • Arrogance
  • Conceit
  • Feeling self-important

Some Contrasting Tarot Cards:

  • Tower – Humiliation, lack of honor
  • 5 of Cups – Failure, defeat
  • 10 of Swords – Self-remorse, discouragement
  • 5 of Pentacles – Rejection, lack of recognition

Some Supportive Tarot Cards:

  • Chariot – The song of triumph, confidence
  • Sun – Being welcomed, standing out
  • 9 of Cups – Self-contentment, achieving desires

Detailed Description – Tarot Cards List:

The 6 of Wands is a counterpart in the minor arcana to The Chariot, and both represent moments of victory. Sometimes in life, all we desire is victory – to stand on top, to be number one. You can see this dream flickering in the faces of athletes, politicians, and other winners as they step onto the podium of honor. It is the most deserving feeling of all. I am the best. I have triumphed!

In tarot readings, the 6 of Wands appears when you are working hard to achieve a goal, and success is the ultimate aim. The recognition you have been seeking from others is now yours. You can now receive applause, respect, and deserving rewards. If you don’t feel like you’re close to victory right now, rest assured that the conditions for it to happen are still favorable for you. The victory of this card is not necessarily about defeating others. You can triumph over yourself, your circumstances, or conflicts.

The 6 of Wands also represents a healthy sense of confidence. Feeling satisfied with your achievements is an important part of success, but being overly proud can lead to arrogance and self-satisfaction. When you see this card, reflect on yourself to ensure that you don’t feel superior to everyone else. It’s easy to forget that personal achievements are not solely accomplished by oneself. Our talents begin with the Creator, develop with love and support from others, and ultimately manifest through us. So, why would we allow ourselves to be excessively proud?

Pride is the first and greatest sin that we must overcome by connecting our souls with heaven. When the 6 of Wands appears, enjoy the victory, feel good about yourself, but remember not to become conceited.

Upright Meaning of 6 of Wands – Tarot Cards List:

Introduction: The 6 of Wands is a highly positive sign. It can imply that despite facing challenges, you will overcome them and achieve ultimate success and victory. This card also signifies progress both literally and metaphorically; everything is shifting in a positive direction.

Overview: Overall, the 6 of Wands is a card of happiness and celebration. You are about to experience some positive outcomes for your efforts. Take some time to rest or treat yourself in some way. You certainly deserve it.

Career: If you are seeking a new job position, this card is a very positive sign. You will find something better than what you were hoping for. If you are currently in a desired position, things will soon be even better than you expected. Your efforts are being recognized. Keep building upon your accomplishments in your current work.

Love: In an established relationship, this card suggests that things are progressing well. Suddenly, you may realize that you feel closer and happier with your partner than before. If you are not currently attracted or confident, the appearance of this card may imply that you are about to enter a relationship with someone you have been expecting. This is a very positive sign.

Finances: Things will improve significantly in terms of finances. Regardless of what is happening around you, everything will unfold very well for you. However, be cautious in your actions regarding any financial gains. Particularly in these days, it is important to prepare yourself with reserves to guard against difficult times. Nevertheless, you can expect your financial situation to continue to grow.

Health: If you are concerned about your health, then relax. Nothing negative or harmful will occur to you or the person you are inquiring about in terms of health. Just try to maintain underlying mental strength, and it will help to sustain good health for the person you are asking about. Have faith.

Spirituality: In terms of spirituality, the 6 of Wands can imply the enjoyment of deep soulful joy and the love of life. You are on the right path. Embrace the joy that is emanating deeply within you and share it with others. The world needs the gifts that only you can give.

Reversed Meaning of 6 of Wands – Tarot Cards List:

Introduction: The reversed 6 of Wands is still a positive card. It can imply that despite delays and challenges, everything you are hoping for can still be achieved. This is not the time to let fear and worry hold you back.

Overview: In general, the reversed 6 of Wands is still a card of victory. However, you may need to be cautious about the people you trust. There may be someone who appears to be supportive of you but is actually envious or holding negative thoughts about you in some way. Trust your instincts when assessing people and don’t hesitate to protect yourself when necessary.

Career: Approach the reversed 6 of Wands with cautious optimism. If you are currently employed, although your work may be highly regarded, there may be at least one person who is not genuinely supportive of you or is acting against you. Engaging in conflict at this time will not bring any benefits; it’s better to patiently outshine them through “playing nice.” If you are seeking a job, don’t believe everything you hear. However, your job hunt seems to be more successful and faster than expected when this card appears.

Love: When this card appears in the context of an established committed relationship, you may be feeling fearful about the relationship. If so, examine it independently. What is causing your fear? Is there something specific that your partner has said or done that has led to this fear within you? Sometimes both parties need to sit down, commit, and promise to each other. If you are in the phase of seeking love, you may be afraid that you will never find your other half. Remember that you won’t unless you make yourself that way. If you notice that feeling existing within your mind, reconsider your self-esteem. Believe that you are worthy of love because you truly are.

Finances: When the reversed 6 of Wands appears, it’s a time to carefully and meticulously calculate and document financial matters. Pay attention to the details of bank statements, inflows and outflows, bills, and any other financial transactions. You may discover an amount of money that you didn’t know you had. Think carefully.

Health: If you draw the reversed 6 of Wands regarding health, know that there are many things you can do for yourself to achieve good physical well-being. Are you being too strict with your diet? Are you drinking enough water? Are your thoughts positive? All the “ordinary and mundane” things, especially when facing fatigue, can make a huge positive difference. If you are receiving conflicting information about your health from experts, never hesitate to seek or ask for a second or third opinion if necessary.

Spirituality: The reversed 6 of Wands can imply that for some reason, you are expecting the universe to provide you with answers or guidance without any effort on your part. While this does sometimes happen, more often than not, we are expected to ask specific questions and take action through our own efforts rather than waiting for everything to fall into perfect order. Be open to the knowledge you receive from others, at least consider it carefully even if you ultimately dismiss their explanations.

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